Monday, August 4, 2014

Multi-Family YARD SALE~Sat. Aug. 9th

Yard Sale this SATURDAY
When: AUG. 9, 2014
Time: 8am-4pm
Where: 2944 S. Lynnhaven Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Just past the corner McDonalds on 
S. Lynnhaven Rd. on the right
From the S. Lynnhaven corner 711, it will be about 4 miles up to your left. Just past Plaza Middle School. 

Items for Sale:
*Reptile aquarium with tank items 
*Xbox and Wii games
*3ds game card worth $20.00 for only $15.00
*Crib set
*Cigarette roller machine
*Women's suits and jackets 
*New Avon Products
*Screws-100 for $4.00 
*Camping pan, plates and cups
*Bathroom decor
*Many comforter sets
* desk
*girls and boys toys
*Girls 2t-5t clothes and Cute like-new shoes
*Boys size 6 clothing and shoes
*Men's clothing xl-2x
*Women's clothing small-large and shoes
*Leather purses
*luggage and bags
*book bags
*kitchen stuff
*hair straightener, curling iron
*New Avon products for cheap! Perfume, make-up, lotion, lipstick, antiperspirant, selling supplies and more
*games, kids spiderman learning computer
*carpenter screws nails
*books for adults and kids
*plants-lots of real house plants
*Cosmo seeds
*Electric fireplace-working
*lunch bags
*Invisible fencing (portable)
*shock collars
*kids couch chair
*Men's Boots
*2 drawer end table-red wood

We are continuously adding items to sell..there will be a lot to look at! So come check it out! Our yard sell will be clearly posted around S. Lynnhaven. You can park on the street on the first the right before our place, in the driveway of the yard sale or across the street. That Road is busy so be careful! See you there! 

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